Tai Chi for Therapy is a Tai Chi exercise program designed to help any person at risk of falling to take action to cut that risk. In an article published by the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy (see abstract on PubMed), Tai Chi for Therapy has been thoroughly documented as an Evidence based Tai Chi Fall Prevention Program. Tai Chi for Therapy has been scientifically proven to improve certain factors (strength, mobility, and confidence) improving your overall ability to perform daily functional activities with less risk of falling. This hour long Tai Chi for Therapy DVD video presentation provides slow motion, stop action analysis, as well as real-time front, side and back views to accelerate your learning experience! Each Tai Chi exercise is demonstrated in separate chapters. Select only the lesson you want to practice.
Use your own Tai Chi for Therapy DVD Practice any time at home, Only $19.95 USD & $3.99 Shipping & Handling

Starfarm Tai Chi for Therapy has its own evidence base. The program was implemented in five communities. A pilot study was conducted by the University of CTwith a presentation to the Connecticut Physical Therapy Assn annual meeting. Finally, A quasi-experimental comparative pre- and post test design was used. We compared a group of 16 community-dwelling older adults who practiced Tai Chi for Therapy for 16 weeks to a control group who did not. You can see what we published at the National Library of Medicine:
Bubela D, Sacharko L, Chan J, Brady M. J. Geriatr Phys Ther. 2017 Nov 9. doi: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000153. [Epub ahead of print]PMID:29135600
Older adults’ participation in a community-based Tai Chi program may lead to improvement in strength, mobility, and confidence in performing functional tasks. Incorporation of elements of Tai Chi into therapy programs for older adults at risk for fall and referral to community-based Tai Chi programs may be viable options in the continuum of health-related care for older adults.