8 Pieces of Brocade Qigong DVD

Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight Brocade, Ba Duan Jin

For over 900 years martial artists used the 8 Pieces of Brocade Qigong to build strength, flexibility and endurance. General Yue Fei, is a hero of the Southern Song Dynasty, and all of China. Because Yue reformed army organization, training and tactics he was able to defeat the northern nomads, which had been previously undefeated.
It is believed Yue created Xing Yi Chuan ( a hand to hand fighting style) for his troops. Because he trained them rigorously in personal fitness8 pieces of brocade qigong

The Eight Pieces of Brocade made them “fit to fight”.

Consequently, contemporary fitness scholars continue to study the exercises and their benefits into the 21st century. The ancient name “Ba Duan Jin” translates to 8 Section Exercise.  It refers to 8 parts of the body exercised in this dynamic routine.

Follow instructor Laddie Sacharko as he leads these eight exercises: squatting, bending, reaching,twisting…
Tailor your practice to your level of fitness, increase tempo and repetitions as you improve. This  “gym in a pocket”…requires no special clothing or expensive equipment.  This awesome DVD takes you step by step through learning the routines, and gradually strengthen your whole body.

Great Price too!  $19.95 (plus $3.99 s&h)

Additionally this video also trains the Sitting 8 Pieces of Brocade set.  The sitting set introduces eight therapies which enhance one’s ability to feel and sense the inner and outer workings of body and mind.

8 pieces of brocade qigong The video section covering the “how to”, draws heavily from Stuart Alve Olsen and Yang Jwing Ming.  Olsen contends:  “Since no clear evidence exists as to when Eight Brocades were first originally developed, the founder really depends on which school or thought of Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, medicine, or martial art you adhere to.  Each school seems to have its own unique evidence and prejudice.”

Eight Brocade Seated Chi Kung

sitting 8 pieces of brocade