Category Archives: tai chi for stroke

Evidence Based Mind-Body Practices and the Physical Therapist

Extending the Continuum of Care with Tai Chi & Qigong  Two Options for Credit

Evidence based prevention, wellness, and therapy.

In this one day physical therapy continuing education course, participants will learn the basic set of evidence based Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance movements, a teaching protocol, and a method for planning/analyzing fidelity of program implementation.

8 Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy Continuing Competence Credits

American Tai Chi & Qigong Association . 7 CEU

NEW ! Two day (12 hours) physical therapy continuing education course. Gain knowledge and skills needed to Analyze community based Mind-Body programs, determine effects on planned or on-going treatment, discuss and document instructions to client, influence client preference. On day 1, participants will learn the basic set of evidence based Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance movements, a teaching protocol, and a method for planning/analyzing fidelity of program implementation. On day 2, participants learn and practice age old health improving/health maintenance practices (Qigong) with instructor, analyze these practices using a standardized framework, and discuss & document analysis and patient instructions.

12 Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy Continuing Competence Credits

Check back soon for fall dates, or contact us to schedule an in-house presentation at your practice.


visit our website:

Evidence Based Mind-Body Practices and the Physical Therapist

Laddie Trains for Intermediate Level Chinese Yoga

OCT 16 2009 Albany New York

With nearly 100 people from around the country in attendence, Jiang, Jian-ye (Grandmaster) introduced The intermediate level of Chinese Yoga with Healing Qi, during a Saturday Workshop held at his Albany, New York studio.  Starfarm’s Laddie Sacharko was in attendence, shown in photo.

Laddie Sacharko Attends HPA training for instructors, Chinese Yoga Intermediate level.
Laddie Sacharko Attends HPA training for instructors, Chinese Yoga Intermediate level. Laddie is 3rd from right, second row.

An Intermediate Level class is planned for January 2010 at Thompson, where about 20 people have been practicing the beginner’s level.  Watch for details! Check Here