Featuring: LADDIE SACHARKO 100-400 PM Friday January 19, 2024 WORKSHOP Healing with Human Energy: The Wei Qigong of Duan Zhi Liang, featured presenter at National Qigong Association annual conference 2017. Profound Legacy Teaching of world famous Qigong Master and TCM healer, Dr Duan. Master Duan Zhiliang died in July of 2016, 107 years old. During 2001, Duan traveled the US teaching his familyās Wuji Qigong, and Wuji Taiji. After observing a Reiki session, Duan proceeded to teach what he called especially appropriate for a culture that ālives in their headā. This external qi healing routine is exquisitely simple to learn. It can be āadministeredā in as little as 15 minutes. Powerful stand-alone or adjunct energy balancing therapy. Each participant observes a demonstration and explanation of the technique. Then, as a partner in a pair, each participant is guided through practice: both giving and receiving. Main Audience: All Levels, Basics for Beginners, Some Experience with Qigong or Taiji..
Silver Dragon 860 742 5892 Workshop location is Coventry CT 41.76666468264132, -72.30820344358061

Learn Wei Qi Gong: āIt is Traditionalā. DVD Available Here